February 2014


I bought a couple rolls of expired 35mm film earlier this year and ran the first of those rolls through my ae-1 recently. I had a really good feeling about this roll and thought I'd have some photos that I'd be very proud of but I was very disappointed when I picked up the photos from the photo lab. A few of the shots I took in low light, which I thought would have normally turned out fine, were unusable. Others didn't show up at all, and some of the photos have weird black lines through them and I'm not sure if it's a result of the very old film, the camera not advancing film properly (which hasn't happened before) or the photo lab accidentally processing my film incorrectly (probably something with the film though).  I did have a few photos that I really liked though. The first, which is of Rizelle, was taken just before Laneway and the others during a day I spent with Will. We went for a little walk and I think I was probably wearing the wrong shoes because I found myself slipping on every rock. Really liked the tones and colours I got with this roll of film!

Shots taken with a Canon AE-1 with expired ISO 400 film.